Sunday, September 03, 2006

enough NOISE for now iv got a residency to prepare for!

i am on top of things for the NOISE exhibition, so i am this week really concentrating my time on my own work, a whole week (almost) starting today (Sunday) in the studio doing (mostly) my own work for a change! (i do still have to keep in touch with the artists, arrange the delivery of the works etc etc) ...

The thing that interests me the most about St Nick's is that the church has been rebuilt several times since its foundation in medieval times. The 'old church' was never replaced with a wholy new building, just added to, in sections after falling down, or being bombed or watever, so it is this constantly changing building it seems. This is the thing i feel i will be able to respond to (if i am meant to respond to something?) during the residency most naturally... here is a picture of the church inside, notice plenty of chairs!! a crazy ammount and something i feel i will steer clear of during my stay, too much of a tedious link to use i think.

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