Sunday, September 17, 2006


well, where to begin?? Thursday was the launch day and it was hectic to say the least. the only day of the week it rained (not only did it rain but it pissed it down cats and dogs!) so the street team, Sam's shop, and other things all went a bit pear shaped (or in the case of the street team a bit soggy)

but after massive arguments, sodding curtains, moving work around again and again, late flyers, late opening, late everything, and the Supersocial event being cancelled! all in all it was a brilliant event, the show looked great. the whole haphazzardness that was happening, not being sure what was going on exactly gave the day in a funny sort of way a fresh and buzzy feel, we were running round (some of us) but it was fun!

here are some of the artists in the show, Ollie, Danielle, Sam, Nick and Brad, all were great to work with, great to meet, as were the rest of the artists who were down! the madness is now over, but for sure through all the ups and downs, it was am amazing experience...

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